A downloadable game for Windows

This game was created by Delvin Salman for DATT 3300.


Riders of Doom is an adrenaline-pumping Bullet-Heaven game that seamlessly blends intense action, fast-paced shooting, challenging levels, and formidable enemies. The game comprises seven primary levels, each progressively more challenging as you advance. Your objective is to achieve the highest possible score while successfully completing each level. The game is centered around a Wild West concept, infused with a unique twist that reflects my creative vision. This theme is visually conveyed through carefully curated assets obtained online, contributing to the distinctive style and atmosphere of the game


Throughout the game, diverse waves of enemies will appear, featuring variations in speed, style, and abilities. Additionally, various power-ups will be available for players to utilize and acquire, including those granting points, enhanced weaponry, increased speed, and protective shields. It's important to note that one type of enemy is equipped with a shooting capability, posing a threat to players, while another type functions as a single projectile. Both, however, can inflict damage upon contact, adding an extra layer of challenge and strategy to the gameplay.

How To Play: 

The game consist of using a few keys which are, the arrow keys to move left, right, up and down. Along side that, the WASD key also do the same in terms of movement. The space bar is how you shoot, and finally the shift key is what give you more mobility, so essentially the speed boast. In which all these keys are deigned to be user friendly and so that you can play the game with ease and fun.

Platform & Technical Aspect: 

This 2D game, constructed in Unity, incorporates a variety of scripts to enhance its design and efficiency. These scripts, including player controls, enemy behaviours, power-ups, sine movement patterns, destructibles, explosion effects, and weaponry/shield mechanics, are implemented to optimize the overall gaming experience. Alongside these scripts, the game utilizes essential elements like 2D assets, user interface (UI) menus, and lighting to contribute to its visual appeal and immersive quality.

Bugs & Minor Glitches:

The game is pretty smooth running but there may be sometimes that the game might not load one of the levels, in which rarely happens but could.  This could happen randomly or during the end of a level and if this happens just please quit the game and restart as everything in the game files, code, and assets are all fine and its a bug that I am not sure why it is happening. It could also happen if you die too many times. Overall though, the game is 100% playable.

Tips & Concept: 

Each level has its own level of difficulty from 1-7. Each level will display enemies in which pass by to kill and in which, this is how you earn points. Some of the enemies near the end disappear if you don kill them fast enough, so be quick! Other tips can include, the gun pickup is only limited to 2 pickups max, as picking more wont increase the bullets. If you die during a level your score resets, and so does all your equipment meaning your gun, shield, and speed in which you will have to battle through the reaming levels to make your way back up. Finally your player only has 3 hit lives meaning if you get hit or touches 3 times, you die and the level restarts. You will notice this by each time you get hit, your player flashes/pluses.


RidersofDoom.zip 38 MB
RiderofDoomCredits.pdf 65 kB

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